

The wellbeing of our guests is our top priority in this difficult situation. We are closely monitoring the World Health Organization’s reports regarding the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) and we are following the latest and most efficient guidelines from the Local Health Government Authorities.

Fully committed to offering safe holidays we are taking all necessary precautionary measures to ensure that our guests will have a safe and pleasant stay as our top priority therefore we follow all the latest hygiene guidelines provided by the Greek local health authorities. Furthermore, Almyra Villas are private villas with private poosl and perfectly located in a quiet scenery full of olive trees and fresh air!

For guests making new reservations for May and June 2020 arrivals, we will allow those reservations to be changed or cancelled at no charge up to 7 days before a guest’s scheduled arrival date.

For guests who have already booked their holiday we offer a full refund on accommodation deposits. However, we can also keep your deposit in our reservation system for future or later bookings in summer 2020 or summer 2021.

Thank you for your understanding, stay healthy and please contact us at

+30 6936 690 683 or if you have questions.


Wenn eine Reservierung aus Gründen storniert wird, die dem Kunden zuzurechnen sind, wird der als Reservierungsgebühr gezahlte Betrag nicht zurückerstattet.

-30-48 Tage vor Anreise werden Ihnen 50% des Gesamtbetrags berechnet.

-15-29 Tage vor Anreise werden Ihnen 90% des Gesamtbetrags berechnet.

-0-14 Tage vor Anreise werden Ihnen 100% des Gesamtbetrags berechnet.

– Bei Nichterscheinen oder Abreise vor dem geplanten Datum wird Ihnen der Gesamtbetrag in Rechnung gestellt.

– Die Stornierungsgebühr wird auf den Gesamtbetrag der Reservierung berechnet.

-Alle Stornierungen müssen schriftlich an uns gesendet werden.